Time-wasting commutes are out, and work/life balance is in—who knew? Deep down, all of us did. But it took two years of shared crisis to drive home these obvious and essential facts.
Our 2022 Work Trend Index shows work priorities have changed, and that family, health, and wellbeing are key. Responses from 31,000 people in 31 countries have made it clear that employees’ “worth it” equation—what people want from work and what they’re willing to give in return—has irrevocably changed. The labor dynamic has shifted, and perks like gym memberships and Uber credits are no longer what people value most.
Younger workers are not going back to the pre-pandemic office environment anytime soon. And they are backing up their opinions with action. 52% of Gen Z and Millennials are likely to consider changing employers this year, up 3 percentage points year-over-year.
Leaders must respond to these shifts with intentionality or face the repercussions—flagging enthusiasm, a diminished talent pool, reduced productivity. By getting ahead of this curve—maximizing hybrid work technologies, promoting wellbeing initiatives, providing flexible work scenarios—we improve the odds that the cards will be in our favor during this ongoing Great Reshuffle.
As a leader I find myself wanting the most productive employees but as a person with a family and passions outside of work, I also prioritize my well-being. Balancing the scale is how I show leadership through example.
For more info, check out this revealing @NYTimes report on key trends affecting the younger generations in the workforce:
#HybridWork #WorkFromHome
52% of Gen Z and Millennials are likely to consider changing employers this year, up 3 percentage points YOY. How should employers respond?
#HybridWork #WorkFromHome